Enable (MCP)
Activation or cleaning is often essential where materials or surfaces have to be bonded or painted. The reason for this is the insufficient free surface energy or poor wettability.
This is where plasma pretreatment via the Micro Cold Plasma (MCP) system of INOCON Technologie GmbH comes into play. The atmospheric MCP technology enables the careful cleaning and activation of surfaces without damaging them. The pretreatment is particularly effective on very nonpolar materials – such as plastics. However, a surface modification in the form of better wettability can also be detected in materials that are less nonpolar, such as metals.
Application areas
Bonding processes
Bonding of dissimilar materials
Treatment of almost all plastics
Sensitive in the case of electronic components
Printing processes
Uniform plasma treatment over the entire treatment surface
Particularly important for glass printing
Painting processes
Surface cleaning
Improved adhesive properties and thus longer paint resistance
Spraying processes
Adhesion improvement for 2C injection-moulded parts
In-line surface activation before subsequent extrusion process
More applications


Corrosion protection

Plasma cleaning (IC3)
To the products



Plasma plotter

To the projects
Corresponding case studies and reference projects can be found described in the projects.
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